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Nomination Committee

Mr. Francis GOUTENMACHER (Chairman)

was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company in August 2006. He also serves as the Chairman of the Company's Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee and a member of the Audit Committee.

Mr. Goutenmacher holds a Bachelor's degree from Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratifs in Paris, France. Mr. Goutenmacher has been with Richemont Luxury Group, S.A. (“Richemont”), one of the world leading luxury goods groups, for over 30 years. He has been the managing director and chief executive officer of several prestigious brands, like Cartier and Piaget, encompassed by Richemont. After retiring as the regional chief executive of Richemont Asia Pacific Limited, Mr. Goutenmacher is now running a marketing consultancy firm, Gouten Consulting Limited, and is a director of this consultancy company. He was an independent non-executive director of South Shore Holdings Limited (formerly known as The 13 Holdings Limited), a company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, from 2013 to 2020.

Independent Non-Executive Directors
  • Mr. Francis GOUTENMACHER
  • Dr. WONG Tin Yau, Kelvin, JP
  • Mr. TSANG Hin Fun, Anthony
Audit Committee
  • Dr. WONG Tin Yau, Kelvin, JP (Chairman)
  • Mr. Francis GOUTENMACHER
  • Mr. TSANG Hin Fun, Anthony
Remuneration Committee
  • Mr. Francis GOUTENMACHER (Chairman)
  • Mr. TSANG Hin Fun, Anthony
  • Mr. SHAM Kar Wai
Nomination Committee
  • Mr. Francis GOUTENMACHER (Chairman)
  • Mr. TSANG Hin Fun, Anthony
  • Mr. SHAM Kar Wai